The neurolinguistic programming part of the constructivist theory defines reality as an invention, not a discovery. It is based on the fact that human beings do not operate directly on the real world you live, but does so through the same mental representations that determine how each individual perceives the world. (The map is not the territory).
is a means of self-knowledge and personal evolution. Describe how the mind works and is structured so that people think, learn, motivate, interact, communicate, evolve and change.
This technique provides tools and skills development in communication and reprogramming of attitudes. Behavior promotes flexibility, creativity and communication, transcendental thought and understanding of mental processes, both for individual development and for the optimization of each human group. Solves phobias, fears and similar to a single work session.
NLP defines three elements as key constituents of human behavior:
- The nervous system (neurological support.)
- The l anguage used to internal and external communication (with oneself) is verbal and nonverbal.
- The behavior can be learned.
Also explains the learning process as four stages that must pass the individual learning: unconscious incompetence
- (Do not know what a car, let alone drive it.)
- conscious incompetence (time when more is learned. The driver is aware that not drive and try it.) Competition
- conscious (the driver and can drive and pay too much attention to the process as clutch, turn signals, gear shift lever ...). Competition
- unconscious (It frees conscious attention. The individual has acted with conscious and can be practically and direct their attention to other things. Thus we see a driver talking, listening to music, etc. while driving).
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