One day, Alana (believed the owner of the Internet) gave for attacking blogger Yoani Sanchez: From
Alana1962 Date 24/06/2009
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Subject: You ask for help Dear friend
And still, and still ...
"What can not and Yoani no one is claiming a divine right to decide what I publish on my blog ... which publishes my stuff Mare ... Chiquita bad .... or the pope in Rome, because Yoani or internet owns or owns Cuba, or else owns that is not published in his blog that put you in the ovaries just like all the other bloggers in the universe blog "
"Yoani blogger has been elected president by popular consensus, by consensus of the thousands of people visiting your blog, by consensus of the thousands of people who think well of it on other blogs or other forums but if it gets asshole, and is dedicated to doing things that offend or upset large groups of people at once, if you get to get into an ivory tower and look down on everyone, and believe that this state is forever ... not gain long lease "
" Do you know if Yoani "consensual" with Biscet, who is "fragile part ( but she that is loose on the street) and you are kicking your ass in a punishment cell what to write in his blog, so that thousands of people read it next week? "
statements angered many people. That was the beginning of the end of Ana Julia Mena Montesino, Alana nick.
Alana1962 Date 24/06/2009
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Subject: You ask for help Dear friend
As I discuss are attacking me because of the jineterita Yoanis because criticized for their lack of participation in the mobilization against Castro from June I ask you to your blog and put dirty things against it to learn. You can enter any nick and better if there are several different think that many people are against it. The address of the blog is http://desdecuba.com/generaciony
A hug and thanks for your help Alana And still, and still ...
"What can not and Yoani no one is claiming a divine right to decide what I publish on my blog ... which publishes my stuff Mare ... Chiquita bad .... or the pope in Rome, because Yoani or internet owns or owns Cuba, or else owns that is not published in his blog that put you in the ovaries just like all the other bloggers in the universe blog "
"Yoani blogger has been elected president by popular consensus, by consensus of the thousands of people visiting your blog, by consensus of the thousands of people who think well of it on other blogs or other forums but if it gets asshole, and is dedicated to doing things that offend or upset large groups of people at once, if you get to get into an ivory tower and look down on everyone, and believe that this state is forever ... not gain long lease "
" Do you know if Yoani "consensual" with Biscet, who is "fragile part ( but she that is loose on the street) and you are kicking your ass in a punishment cell what to write in his blog, so that thousands of people read it next week? "
statements angered many people. That was the beginning of the end of Ana Julia Mena Montesino, Alana nick.
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